my dearly beloved sister and her boyfriend, left their phone on an express bus that they boarded yesterday. from the facts and evidence, they reasonably believe that the only suspect is the bus driver. he must have found it and switched it off with an intention to keep the phone.
"finders keepers", betul tak? sbb the driver didn't steal it, but my sister and her boyfriend had negligently left it in the bus. knowing that, although we did lodged a police report, tapi apa lagi kita boleh buat kan?
sampailah this (i am referring to myself) pregnant lady bising2 kat pondok polis TBS (terminal bas selatan) semalam..akibat aku bising2, polis tu panggil customer servis, customer servis bagi no. telefon person in charge JEBAT ekspress and setelah kol person in charge tu, aku bising pulak dekat dia, dia kasi no. telefon driver.. WHOHOOOO! dapat no telefon driver oke?? hahaha
then wan made the call because i was too emotional (*malu*) hahaha..
from the conversation, we knew that, the driver found the phone and the driver thought wan is accusing him of taking the phone. he yelled, he got angry and he hung up. wan was speaking so gently and wan did tell the driver that he will make the police report and he will surely state the driver's name in the police report. tp wan also mentioned that "saya bukan tuduh cik Latip, tapi saya akan sebut nama cik Latip dlm report sbg suspek"..
since he hung up,, we thought, we can now be sure that we should at least quote the driver's name in the police report. while wan was with the policeman to lodge another report, the driver called and i spoke to him. i spoke politely and it went like this:
me: cik Latip, saya bukan nak tuduh cik Latip. saya just nak mintak tolong, kalau2 cik Latip jumpa telefon tu, cik Latip tolonglah pulangkan. itu saje
driver: mana lelaki tadi?? dia takotke nak ckp dgn aku????? mana dia? awk ni siapa?
me: saya isteri dia. tadi tu suami saya. dia bukan takot nak ckp. tapi dia skrg tgh buat report polis. dia tengah mengadap polis tu nak buat report, nak sebut nama cik Latip dalam report tu. mcm nilah. kalau cik Latip pulangkan, kita tak buat report taruk nama cik Latip. cmne? (tulisan merah tu fishing ye,,sbb dia blom mengaku dia amek aku sudah assume..hehe)
driver: ye lah engkau nak repot, repot la..aku kena penjara nanti!!!! (marah)
me: tak lah..kalau cik Latip pulangkan, saya tak jadi report la.
driver: yelah..yelah..talipon ada kat aku, aku pulangkan lah talipon kau balik!!!! (masih marah)
me: ha??? talipon ada kat cik Latip?? (sengaja menjerit, supaya polis dengar) dan cik Latif nak pulangkan?? (masih menjerit, hehe)
driver: yelah,,aku pulangkan..kalau aku pulangkan kau nak kasi apa? 20 ringgit boleh??
me: ha?? 20 ringgit apa pulak ni? cik Latip nak saya buat report ke?
driver: ye lahh aku pulangkan.!!
(conversation diteruskan dengan topik "di mana" nak jumpa utk dia pulangkan).. cut the story short,.selepas hussle..akhirnya phone dpt balik..what are the odds?? phone tu dah sampai masjid tanah dah..akhirnya dipulangkan balik dgn escort polis bantuan. alhamdulillah..
kesimpulan, buat lah scene apabila perlu, tetapi make sure u r not emotional, oke??
p/s here is what the driver sms me after dia janji nak pulangkan balik telefon tu:
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