

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Monday, January 31, 2011

auburn - all about him

my dearest friend Rain sms me the other day asking me whether i like the auburn song all about him.. she said that the song reminded her of win&wan..i haven't. so i quickly asked wan to download the song for me. after i listened to it..i loved it..hahhaahaa..the chorus is soooooo win&wan...
yesterday, while driving to linggi,n9, suddenly i heard the auburn song again, thanks flyfm..u've made my day! :)
p/s thank u kakrain.. *smooch*

ada satu blog.

there is this blog that i often read for a reason that i also do not know. so i read and read every entries, until the oldest one, i've read. sometimes, there are entries that relate closely about my surrounding facts and me. most of the times that happened, i can't deny that it hurts.

this hurtfull events, i shared with wan. he told me not to read that blog anymore, not to give a damn about that blog writer anymore so that i won't get hurt. so i refrained myself from my habit (of reading that blog). it has been almost two months now but today i become so curious. i wanted to read it so badly. part of me say "just read it, the blog writer won't mention u anymore, the blog writer is busy with life right now, newsflash the blog writer also doesn't give a damn about u." but the other part of me say, keep refraining's better that way,.
(this is the present, the ending has yet to happen.)

p/s curiousity killed the cat.
the ending:

Friday, January 28, 2011


*Gambar di atas adalah gambar hiasan semata-mata.*

Dua hari lepas, kami pegi lah tgk rumah yang kami akan sewa selepas kahwin nnti. Bila da tgk, hati terus cair lantas terfikir "this is the place that we are going to call home, where wan will come back to me, everyday"..apalagi, hati berbunga-bunga la jadinya ;P

p/s it really is happening, the marriage..and it's happening very very very soon :))))

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Redang lagi..cont.


p/s ...

i can't do this alone.

this is a cry for help, please LISTEN.
this is no hint. it's an express fact.

what made my day?

This made my day!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Redang lagi..

baru beberapa mlm lepas mimpi fasal Redang. hari ni ada orang invite thru fb to go for a trip to Redang..i was like..what??

p/s what is it with Redang ni?

just want to share something i read over the internet

Beautiful story about QURAN.
Why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word???? This is a beautiful story.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, 'Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?'

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, 'Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.' The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, 'You'll have to move a little faster next time,' and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.

This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, 'I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough,' and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty.

Out of breath, he said, 'See Grandpa, it's useless!' 'So you think it is useless?' The old man said, 'Look at the basket.' The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out. 'Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out.. That is the work of Allah in our lives.'

Monday, January 24, 2011

Menjadi-jadi jampi nampak??

semua orang mesti ingat movie p.ramlee pendekar bujang lapok tu kan..diorg baca2 jampi "hai mambang.." tu tak stop2 smpai bila benda lalu kat diorg, dorg ckp "cobaan" tu.ingat kan?

jelas sekali tak elok menjampi2 mcm tu..menyeru2 hantu pulak..kita org islam bila baca jampi tak tentu arah, hukumnya mcm mana?

perasan tak movie2 atau drama2 hantu tahun 2010 dan 2011 ni menjadi2 jampi2nya..walaupun kebanyakannya lawak la konon..tapi mcm mana hukumnya? yang memegang watak pun beragama islam belaka..nauzubillah.

alasan mereka, itu semua lakonan semata2..tak ada niat..hmm..Allah maha pengasih lagi maha mengasihani.

sedangkan kalau suami isteri (dalam dunia sebenar) berlakon di mana suami sebut talak kat isteri, jatuh kan talaknya? (saya tak pandai agama..sila betulkan kalau salah.) kalau tak jatuh pun talaknya, kan dah wujud was2??..hmm..kalau menjampi2, menyeru2, memuja2 setan walaupun sekadar lakonan..mcm mana?

cerita2 kat tv ni adalah pengaruh besar kpd budak2, org dewasa mungkin boleh berfikir dan bertaubat, budak2 ni? dorg bukannya boleh fikir benda tu betul ke tak? dia terikut2 movie, tak fasal2 menjerit2 baca jampi dalam movie tu..benda mcm ini ke yg org2 filem kita nak?
memang byk tauladan yang diselitkan, tapi perkara mungkar pun terlalu jelas terdedah. tolong!!

p/s wallahualam, semua manusia dikurnia akal, fikirlah sendiri mana yang boleh mana yang tak


mimpi malam tadi:

wan masih belajar. kampus dia kat Pulau Redang..(Redang?? r u kidding me???) hari dia nak pegi, hantar la dia naik bas. tapi bila bas sampai, dia yg kt luar bas waving, kita yang masuk bas..(again, r u kidding me??) then tukar bas kat mana ntah, naek bas pegi Kelantan (haih..r u kidding me??) then turun kt terengganu, naik bot, sampai kat pulau, terus pegi pasar,..(huh??R U KIDDING ME???) itu lah mimpinya.

p/s i must be damn tired, but why Redang????
p/s tapi masa dah naik bas, watching wan waved his hand, terasa sedihnya..walaupun mimpi.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

isu tinggi

"Saya prefer orang lelaki yang lebih tinggi. itu syarat.".."eh wan tu lebih tinggi dari kau ke?".."erkk.." *what the hell??*
berikut adalah gambar2 kami berdua yang pernah disnap sebelum ini. Fyi, dalam semua gambar, kami berdiri oke. Sila lihat sendiri.
wan lebih tinggi daripada saya dan ketinggiannya jelas. kalau awak tak nampak, awak adalah manusia aneh. sekian terima kasih.

p/s macam mana dia boleh rasa dia lagi tinggi daripada wan? dpd win pun dia kalah..kalau sudah dicipta begitu, bersyukurlah, tak payah la nak compare2. bersyukur oke? jgn berlagak2..tak baik.nanti Tuhan tarik balik baru tau.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

parking rate for Semua House (& Medan Mara)

just so u know, parking fee at Semua House normally costs u RM3 for the first hour and RM2 for subsequent hours, but if u enter the parking after 5pm everyday, u will need to pay RM6 per entry. doesn't matter if u only intend to park there for 5 minutes, u will be charged RM6 per entry, everyday, no exception..! what a day huh?

in contrast, if u enter Medan Mara parking area after 5pm everyday, u will be charged only RM3 per entry!, and RM4 per entry on Saturday and Sunday (if u enter before 5pm)..

p/s dah terkena dkt Maju Junction jugak, setengah jam kena RM6..ish! (~_~)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

wan dan ketakutannya

semalam adalah antara hari2 yang kl begitu jem..sangat2 jem mungkin sebab hujan. kebetulan ada appointment dengan kedai kad kahwin, jadi wan nak tak nak kena dtg jugak kl. selalu dia boleh sampai umah kl around 6.15pm, tapi semalam dari 5.35 sehingga 6.20 dia berada di depan istana negara tak gerak2 stuck. jem gear 1. (i've been in that situation too, so i know how it feels like).

dalam kol 6 tu dia kol untuk share his concern "minyak wan dah lampu, cmne ni?" (he meant, minyak kereta dia dah abis, jadi lampu warning kat kereta tu dah on) and he was panicking. kalau trafik oke, tak ada masalah, sebab dah dekat sgt nak smpai dah. tapi kan jem, jadi, minyak makin laju la turun. when i asked, he said minyak dia dah lampu dari sungai besi lagi..kesian i suggest him an alternative route, akhirnya sempat je sampai dengan minyak berlampu tu!

sebenarnya memang lah sempat, sayang, tapi i know him well. wan tergolong dalam golongan orang yang sentiasa suka minyak kereta dia lebih daripada separuh. minyak baru lampu dah cuak. iya, itulah ketakutannya. kalau pesona, minyak dah lampu tu, boleh je sampai dari kl ke shah alam tau (provided tak jem la, kalau jem, smpat la smpai sunway kot?). kami sungguh opposite dlm hal ini, minyak kereta wan selalu penuh, minyak kereta win selalu lampu.! hehe..and i love u that way, so u would always isikan minyak kereta win bila dah lampu..

p/s u complete me! hehehehe :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

kisah jari dan pintu kereta wan

hampir ke penghujung hari dating yang begitu membahagiakan (monthsary kami, yeayy!), kami ternampak bunting cavenzi sale kat sebelah tesco extra selayang tu. Kami pun singgah. selesai wan parking kereta, si pengantuk ni (diri sendiri) keluar dari kereta putih wan lantas menutup pintu dgn kuat. Tak perasan yg jari telunjuk berada di range yang berbahaya. TERSEPIT..! ouchhhh

selepas 2 saat stunned, baru teringat nak bukak pintu balik (nasib baek wan belum lock kereta)..air mata da bergenang menahan bisa jari tersepit kat pintu kereta. Terus bergerak pantas ke side wan sambil panggil dia dan meminta simpati.."wan, tangan win tersepit pintu kereta" rasa nak jerit2 tapi ada org kat cavenzi tahan dulu.

terus masuk balik dlm kereta, wan ikut sama. tak tersebut lagi, terus kasik tangan kat wan, maka terhamburlah air mata saket dlm kereta..nangis tak berbunyi, bisa oi!..pastu jari numb teramat dan tersangat..letak kat dpn aircond kereta, lega sikit, tapi bila sejuk sgt, ngilu sampai tulang..muka wan pahit je, terus pergi nearest petronas, since aircond breeze melegakan, maka ais dirasakan perlu. atau cukup sekadar setin air gas yg tin nye sejuk..

wan yang panik pegi beli ais sepaket, rm1.60,,byk gile!! heeheheheh (dats cute..) sudahnya pakai seketul je ais..sori darling. :)

kejadian berlaku around pukul 3.55pm, skrg 5.47pm, masih numb and ngilu..nasib tak kena kuku..bengkak pun sikit je..*sigh*

p/s perlu lebih berhati2..two saturdays in a row! dats bad.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

transfer order untuk wan

effective 17 January..!! what the heck? should be february right??
wan is happy, i should be too. i must. wajib!..cepatlah! happy lah right!!

p/s heheh..tak glamer la wan..

status hari ni

i just change my fb status..then, i rethink, being MATURE, i better not put anymore status like this..ehehehe..cakap jgn sembarang cakap "don't mess with me AGAIN" la katakan..hahahahah
biarkan, tak luak pun.

p/s sorry, entry yang tidak MATURE ini ditulis oleh seorang budak.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

kisah jari dan parut

sebok main pistol gam nak lekat2 benda hantaran sampai setitis yang besar, panas dan likat ter-drop di jari telunjukku yg comel ini..adoi..pasti akan berparut..pagi ni, parut mula terbentuk, merah dan kehitaman..haiiihhh..sudahlah parut lama tak hilang, parut baru bertambah pulak di tangan kanan ni..!! nnti nak amek gamba tangan masa bersarung cincin abeh la nmpak deretan parut2 ni..*mengeluh*

p/s pakai sarung tangan lah!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

hari yang indah lagi mengindahkan

niat di hati nak cuti friday ni..ada sebab, ada urusan (obviously, tinggal bpe hari je lagi!)..tiba2 masuk first sight* bos suro ikut dia pegi meeting on friday...damn!! musnah harapan..punah ranah, hancur berderai..alahaiii!!!

terus la pegi jumpa bos and perbualan kami berbunyi begini:

awin: "bos, saya baru nak hanta borang nak cuti jumaat ni, tapi dlm first sight saya, bos suro saya pegi meeting B.T. tu..saya nak pegi buat *** ****..saya dah kol nak buat appointment lain tapi susah.."

bos: "oh kamu nak kahwin ye"

awin: *angguk & sengih*

bos: "bile?"

awin: "bulan tiga"

bos: "okelah, untuk awin, saya oke je, lagipun saya mmg pegi meeting tu..tapi kena discuss dulu ye fail ni"

awin: "oke!..jadi bos akan sign ye borang cuti saya?"

bos: "iyer.." *senyum*

awin: "thank u bos!" *hati berbunga2*

alhamdulillah, syukur..syukur..terima kasih banyak2.:)

p/s tengahari bos belanja makan pulak semua pegawai..whohooo..i like!

*first sight: segala surat masuk akan dikemukakan terus kepada pegawai in charge, utk inform dia awl2, kemudian barulah fail yg formal menyusul.

smart tag.

the other day, my dearest friend threw a garage sale at her house, she wanted to sell everything off since she's moving back to her hometown. i bought a lot of things, and my darling bought me one thing, a smart tag..:)

my friend was selling that too since there are no toll booth anywhere in sabah, my darling bought that for me so that i also have what he has (fyi, i gave him a smart tag thingy as his birthday gift recently and he loved it..).. and guess what? i loved it too! hehe.. sudah lah murah rm40 huh?

p/s i loved garage sale for one obvious reason. ;P

rrrrrrrriiimmm--- pening..

masih lagi bergelut dgn isu terasa-terasa..haha..neverending story.. mungkin di blog mahupun di facebook, kita mmg kene ckp fasal yg baek2 je..elak terasa2..mungkin memecahbelah umat adalah one of the aim si pencipta facebook? hmm..apa2 lah..

p/s "budak" ni nak sambung ckp telefon dgn bakal suaminya. dah nak kawen pun org panggil kita "budak" ye..takpelah..terasa muda sikit ;) hehehehe

p/s mujur si perasa yg tidak rasional pada mulanya, bersikap rasional selepas berfikir dgn tenang (agak kagum di situ)..(sori la syaitonnirrajim, cubaan menghasut kau tersekat di tengah jalan..)

a note to ME and them all out there: if tersilap faham, bawa2 la berbincang sebab seriously and honestly, not everything is about u. :) hehehe

Monday, January 10, 2011

doa lagi

ya Allah ya Tuhanku, jauhkanlah prasangka buruknya terhadapku..jauhkan segala pertelingkahan yang sedang atau bakal terjadi.amin.

tetanus shot

SIDE EFFECTS: Mild fever, joint pain, muscle aches, nausea, tiredness, or pain/itching/swelling/redness at the injection site may occur.
Acetaminophen may be used to reduce these effects. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell the doctor or pharmacist promptly.Remember that the doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit is greater than the risk of side effects. Most people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

see darling? i've experienced all of the side effects dalam dua hari we know why kan?

p/s now i just want to lie down and sleep.dats all.


tader mood nak buat tanak cuti. please dear Allah let me have my semangat untuk kerja semula.amin.amin.amin.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

BLACKEST saturday.

i don't even intend to begin talking about it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

dah ganti baru.

baru tau penyimpan mohor besar raja-raja dah ganti dengan orang yang baru..
i'm going to miss him, so classic, so authentic, i've watched him from as long as i can remember, being the one who pronounced the date for puasa & raya every year, from the time his hair was black until it changed colour, it will always be him..sedih pulak..:(

p/s ...:(

i watched haunted changi

1. they kinda tiru a bit of paranormal activities' style of filming but it wasn't so obvious because they did it documentary style in the haunted hospital building.

2. only few parts yang betul2 seram..n bila seram, seram btol!!!!

3. not so much seram part for a ghost movie/documentary

4. ending was oke but whatever happen to the singapore ghosthunter? and the poor child?

p/s bila ada hantu, ghosthunter pun terus chow..! hehehe, that's hilarious.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sindrom abg senior

*hahahah*..ketawa plis ketawa..
apsal tak boleh ketawa ni?? ishhhhhhhhh
haihhh..apsal la setan dok kacau ni..pegi! pegi!!!

p/s abg senior, bila free kol win eh? i need to hear ur voice asap!..:)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


jobscope kita mmg ada masa kena keluarkan ayat berbentuk arahan. apabila memberi arahan, marilah FIKIRkan ke-reasonableNESS nya dahulu. sebabnya, bila kita beri arahan yang tak reasonable, bukan sekali tapi berkali-kali, orang akan mula rasa tak puas hati, hilang rasa hormat dan mood utk bekerjanya kurang, akhirnya effect jugak kita yang memberi arahan ni.

lumrahnya, orang yang bekerja di bawah memang akan sekali-sekala mengata orang yang lebih atas, tak kesah baik atau teruknya orang di atas tu. memang akan sentiasa wujud perasaan tak puas hati ni.

tapi lebih baik kita jadi orang atas yang baik dan rasional daripada orang atas yang buruk dan teruk. bila arahan yang kita keluarkan tu memang tak rasional atau memang tak betul, akan hormatkah orang di bawah kepada kita?

it's nothing personal, seriously.

p/s "REASONABLE" i'll keep that in mind,.:)
p/s 2 entry ni bosan. i nak tulis jugak sbb tak sukeeeee!!! arghh

Monday, January 3, 2011

he is 25, my comel.

2 January 2011

It's his birthday..i've made his day a memorable one. managed to surprise him..he liked the gift! *yeay*..he liked the birthday dinner. he liked everything. watching he smiled and laughed..PRICELESS.

the birthday gift:

and the dinner:

& my one and only birthday boy:

p/s happiness, can't describe it by mere words..kan darling?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011


happy new year everybody!