

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

takde appointment, bley balik.

i was away for kursus on monday and tuesday. i am in office today and i will be on leave on thursday n friday. that being said, u can assume how busy i am today kan?

suddenly there was this person came and asked to see me. he said he is from AG (read attorney general's chambers) and he had an appointment to see me today. my staff informed me that and i quickly checked my planner..and of course, i don't have any appointment with anyone especially from HQ! sudah,,sapa pulak ni! kalau from HQ, apsal dia dtg tak call dulu, that is so highly unlikely..takkan jadi begitu in a million years (unless the personnel is my personal friend ke apa)

he also told my staff that he was referred to me by an AG officer in HQ by the name of "Nor.." cuak terus sbb a person by that name is a big big person in AG..apahal pulak ni?

so i came to see him, dia start bukak mulut je, i already know that he is not from AG..SANGATTT! n tambah suspicious i asked him, who from AGC referred u to me?..apa ntah dia jwb tiba2 dia kata that's not important..mcm "what the hell?" tp oleh sbb curious, i listened to what he had to say, rupanya promoter magazine.! i yelled "ohhh org jual-jual!" "takpelah, i tanak beli, but u can leave me ur card..(for rubbish bin purposes)"..

cis..kaki penipu..! org AG refer konon. ada appointment konon! crazy chinese man!..maybe i should report to MP kat bawah ada intruder dlm ministry punye building..biar kene escort keluar dgn snapang. chi sin!

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