

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

takde appointment, bley balik.

i was away for kursus on monday and tuesday. i am in office today and i will be on leave on thursday n friday. that being said, u can assume how busy i am today kan?

suddenly there was this person came and asked to see me. he said he is from AG (read attorney general's chambers) and he had an appointment to see me today. my staff informed me that and i quickly checked my planner..and of course, i don't have any appointment with anyone especially from HQ! sudah,,sapa pulak ni! kalau from HQ, apsal dia dtg tak call dulu, that is so highly unlikely..takkan jadi begitu in a million years (unless the personnel is my personal friend ke apa)

he also told my staff that he was referred to me by an AG officer in HQ by the name of "Nor.." cuak terus sbb a person by that name is a big big person in AG..apahal pulak ni?

so i came to see him, dia start bukak mulut je, i already know that he is not from AG..SANGATTT! n tambah suspicious i asked him, who from AGC referred u to me?..apa ntah dia jwb tiba2 dia kata that's not important..mcm "what the hell?" tp oleh sbb curious, i listened to what he had to say, rupanya promoter magazine.! i yelled "ohhh org jual-jual!" "takpelah, i tanak beli, but u can leave me ur card..(for rubbish bin purposes)"..

cis..kaki penipu..! org AG refer konon. ada appointment konon! crazy chinese man!..maybe i should report to MP kat bawah ada intruder dlm ministry punye building..biar kene escort keluar dgn snapang. chi sin!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


11.11.11: 2 nikah, 1 reception after isya

12.11.11: 2 receptions at noon

13.11.11: 1 reception at noon

not really banyak, but i still have to choose which one to go. but i was not left with an option pun because one of the brides is my best friend. sorry that i can't come to all majlis!

my personal opinion about choosing the nicest date to get married still stand. i oppose that, always. because, u'll face with a list of difficulties, from booking a pelamin to getting the kadi to be available for u..!

tak percaya? cuba la kawen 12.12.12..! (oh wait, 12.12.12 is going to be on a beautiful Wednesday!! too bad hehe)

but i am still happy for the brides, azira, adlina dan mazyu! may all of u have the smoothest wedding and marriage life sampai syurga! amin.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

i like u, u don't like me.

during the month of october and november, i learnt something about life. it happens everyday but not many of us will notice it yet, but later (not simultaneously) they will, and when they will, they'll be hurt or not. whatever.

the other day, there was a beautiful wedding that i attended. very beautiful and simple. a month before that the bride message me to ask for my address so she could send me an invitation card. later i received the card and since we were not going anywhere on that day and the wedding was going to be held not far from home, so we (actually) went there without hesitation. i was glad to have come for i would regret so much if i didn't since the bride really honestly wanted to prolonged our friendship. but sadly, before the wedding, before the invitation card was received, i was so distant from her. she was not even in my close friends' list. Adding up to that, i attended because of the underlined reasons, not because i really wanted to attend. how cruel was that? (thank you Allah for opening my eyes, when i met the bride, when i congratulated her, i did it with an honest intention, with a sincere heart (my intention was reversed) i was glad i came and i came because of her..)

another "the other day" a friend ask for a favour, i came to the "rescue" because i regarded her as a close friend, a dear one. i was not feeling very well on that day but i managed to force myself to go and help her. but later i realized, she didn't regard me as dear as i regarded her all this time. that was hurtful. But i came to my senses that not all the time the reciprocity of friendship exists.!

the point is, u may like a person so much but she doesn't like u as much as u hope she would. i've been in both shoes, even when u are in the greener side, it is not the best of experience that u would want to have. but maturity will prepare u to rationalized and move on!..

p/s husband is not like that, he is your bestfriend and u are his too. at par!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

paranormal activity 3

lagi fasal movie..! THIS IS A SPOILER ALERT!!! siapa tak suka spoiler sila jgn baca entri ni!

sejak dah knocked up ni mak selalu pesan "kau tu jgn tgk movie sembarangan, jgn tgk yg hodoh2, tgk yg cantik2 je, pastu jgn tgk yg terkejut2.."

tapi since i'm so into paranormal activity (yg first especially)..,

(teringat dulu i brought the downloaded paranormal activity 1 utk org office tgk, semua rasa seram gile..hahaha..then few months later baru keluar kt wayang..then kami pegi tgk lg..dan maseh rasa seram n siap pecaya ni cerita betul!)

i can't help but to watch paranormal activity 3. tp bukan dekat wayang la..sbb tak berani nnti terkejut2. tgk dgn wan dlm bilik yg lampu pasang terang-benderang (precaution..hehe)


paranormal activity 3 is about kathy jugak tapi masa dia kecik2. seram jugak..i like the part yg baby sitter main hantu selubung2 tu..pastu bila dia turun bwh kt belakang dia ada satu hantu selubung..ehehe..klasik! and one more scene yg kene dkt mak kathy bila dia dari dapur, tiba2 doorbell bunyik, bila dia pegi ke pintu takde org, pastu dia pegi dapur balik, dia tercengang sebab dapur dia kosong, perabot semua takde, pastu masa dia tercengang ni, tiba2 semua perabot jatuh dari atas ceiling..muahahah..terkejut aku! ni pun klasik jgk paranormal activity 3 tp my favourite is still the first movie..

tp seperti biasa, movie paranormal activity selalu tak ending dia mmg mcm.."so..?? apa jadi??"

hehe..kecewa..harap2 ada paranormal activity 4..

p/s jgn bgtau mak, kite tgk movie hantu tau.! :)


kan skrg kat channel 119 every sunday nite at 10pm ada cerita cave of the golden rose kan? setiap kali nak tgk, mesti dah tertido tau! akibat rasa teramat sedih sbb miss cerita tu all the time, maka, wan pun cari dan downloadkan the whole episodes of the cave of the golden rose for me.

tapi dulu2 masa cerita tu keluar kat tv2, episodes dia yg mula2 was how romualdo + fantaghiro met, secondly, dark witch and thirdly tarabas kan? rupanya, selepas wan download, ada sambungannya lagi (whooohoooo..) hati pun berbunga2.

rupanya sambungan tu mmg dia tak tayangkan sbb dia consider sbg episodes yg since wan dah downloadkan, dgn hati berbunga2 tu, bukak dan tgk dan kecewa sbb? i can't understand italian language! siapa yg faham pun? (kecuali giulianna rancic la) and wan said dia mmg dah cari subtitle seluruh internet, tak ada.! so, jawapannya? KENA PEGI BELAJAR BAHASA ITALY baru bley tgk.. italy ke pun? ke bhs lain? hahaha

anyway, last nite, i saw the part yg romualdo kene sihir dgn dark witch sampai dia lgsung tak ingat fantaghiro tu.. sedihnya.! sedih! sedih!!

oke. itu saja.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Khasiat Pelukan Suami Terhadap Isteri

copy & paste from: facebook page of Persatuan Ibu-Ibu Comel Mengandung.!/pages/Persatuan-Ibu-Ibu-Comel-Mengandung/112863158776550

Seorang suami yang memeluk isterinya untuk sekurang-kurangnya 10 saat setiap pagi akan panjang umurnya lima tahun.

Pakar motivasi Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah berkata, fakta berdasarkan kajian oleh seorang pakar di Jerman mengenai hubungan antara sentuhan dan tahap kesihatan.... “Seseorang itu boleh panjang umur jika memeluk isterinya setiap hari kerana pelukan dan sentuhan boleh menyebabkan tubuh manusia mengeluarkan pelbagai hormon termasuk endorfin yang baik untuk kesihatan tubuh.

“Bagaimanapun, sebagai seorang Islam kita tidak harus lupa ajal dan maut terletak di tangan Allah,” katanya ketika memberi syarahan bertajuk “Perkahwinan dan Seks: Penawar dan Rawatan Bagi Banyak Penyakit” di Persidangan Ketiga Perubatan Daripada Perspektif Islam anjuran Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya di Hotel Sheraton Subang di sini hari ini.

Hormon endorfin adalah sejenis bahan kimia semula jadi yang bertindak sebagai penahan sakit dan mengurangkan keresahan. Jelasnya, selain mempunyai kesan positif dari segi saintifik dan kesihatan sentuhan, pelukan dan gurau senda antara suami dan isteri juga merupakan sunah Rasulullah S.A.W.Tambah beliau, ada kajian di Amerika Syarikat (AS) juga mendapati pelukan suami dapat mengurangkan tahap kolesterol dan meningkatkan kesihatan isteri.

“Oleh itu suami yang inginkan isterinya menurunkan berat badan digalakkan peluk isterinya lebih kerap,” katanya disambut dengan gelak ketawa oleh peserta persidangan itu.Jelas beliau, hubungan seks dalam penuh rasa kasih sayang juga dapat membantu pasangan untuk awet muda dan berketerampilan menarik.“Wanita yang mempunyai kehidupan seks yang baik dan bahagia akan lebih cenderung untuk menghiasi diri,” kata Fadzilah.

p/s thank u wan panjangkan umur win (subject to qada' n qadar Allah, of course)!! :)