

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Friday, December 31, 2010

hari gatal nak naek KTM komuter.

semalam, aku gatal nak naek ktm komuter pergi seremban, jumpa buah hati pengarang jantungku.. dia kena lah amek tunangnye ni kt stesyen seremban. rasa macam dekat je seremban 2 dgn bandar seremban, rupanya tak la berapa dekat tp mmg tak jauh plus jem teruk seremban semalam, n byk trafic lite. knowing wan di kala jem, alahai kesiannya dia melayan jugak :)

dpt la akhirnya chance naek gerabak pink ini. (sila lihat gambar di atas) perempuan yg duduk kt kanan sekali tu perempuan yg mukanya selalu masuk dlm katalog baju2..n pernah jadik perempuan dlm 1 video clip too phat, lagi dulu2. asyik usha aku (hehehe) sampailah baby yg duduk atas pangku mak dia sebelah aku tu bangun, semua org pndang baby tu senyum2.

anyway, setelah tunggu hampir stengah jam, sampailah wan dan dia tggu seberang jalan..kenalah bersusah payah cross jalan 3 lane tu utk smpai kpd wan, cis... adoii..naseb baek agak jem, makanye kereta slow je..hanya kena watch out dgn motor sahaja.

masuk je dalam kereta, senyum je pandang dia sambil berfikir, "sanggup dia keluar amek tunang dia, jem plak tu, time dia terpaksa drive kancil plak tu..da la jauh"..tiba2 dia senyum mcm tau je org fikir apa.

okelah, berazam utk jadi tunang yg terbaik & sentiasa behave (kecuali time pms, masa tu tak ley control!!)

p/s i know u r going to read this one too, i love u iz..! hehe

Thursday, December 30, 2010

semalam 2.

lately wan terlampau bz makanya asyik stress aje. since dia agak cemerlang kerana berjaya disposed cases byk2, during meeting semalam, tiba2 dia diberi satu berita. berita tu bukan berita seperti naik pangkat atau seperti turun pangkat..setaraf je. tapi bukan berita kena transfer jugak.bukan. haha..jadi da confuse, ni berita baik ke berita buruk ni wan?

bila tanya wan dia happy ke, dia kata, "wan happy je"
(dalam nada yg sangat happy..?)

"nape win tak rasa macam nak happy pun?"
(feeling sebenar: nil, happy pun tak, tak happy pun tak)

tanya lagi sekali "wan happy ke?"
dia jawab "wan biasa je.."

alalaaaa kesiannya dia, win maen2 je la darling...if ur happy, win double triple happy..just for u. ;)
effective february katanye, tapi masih tentative, mungkin jadi, mungkin tidak..

p/s :)


selain kesah bola malaysia yang menang dan sakit tekak sebab bersorak, terkejut bila baca msg dr seorang kawan yang menyatakan permasalahannya. drpd cerita dia, obviously, dia ter-crossed path dgn manusia yang tangki HASAD DENGKI dia teramat penuh.

dia terbuat 1 spesifik org ni terasa hati, as simple as that. terasa hati, walaupun perbuatan dia perbuatan general. dlm kata lain, org yg terasa tu perasan, lantas, perang pun tercetus.

perang ni satu hala saja sbb kwn tadi tak lwn pun. dia di attack oleh org yg terasa tersebut, bertubi2..serangan dilakukan, bukan bertujuan educational, bukan utk menyakitkan, tapi membunuh kawan ni.

naseb baik org yg spesifik tu tak ada kuasa yg control kwn ni. tp naseb tak baik, org yg spesifik tu ada PENGARUH. maka dia pegi la pengaruh org yg lebih atas (yg btol2 ada kuasa n boleh control kwn ni).

cerita ni, tak ada twist pun, direct je, maka semua org yg baca boleh tahu apa akan jadi seterusnya. bila satu org yg spesifik yg tengah bengang pergi pengaruh org lain yg kemudiannya bengang jugak, maka takotnye, akan ada tokok tambah cerita asal yg bersifat mala fide dan akan menambah minyak ke api yg dah marak.

cerita ini belum sudah. marilah kita sama2 berdoa agar kwn ni sentiasa tenang dan dpt lepaskan diri drpd dibakar oleh api tadi hidup2.

"ya Allah ya Tuhanku, kau kurniakanlah kesabaran pada mereka2 itu, kurangkanlah kemarahan mereka, supaya mereka boleh berfikir waras dan tidak bertindak melulu. ya Allah ya Tuhanku, permudahkanlah kwn ku untuk melepaskan diri atau menyelesaikan musibah yang menimpanya. AMIN.amin..amin..amin."

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

parking bertingkat dan pekerja binaannya

Setelah sebulan lebih suffer sebab parking bertingkat ditutup utk renovation dan parking sementara amat terhad dan kereta terpaksa berjemur dan kena jalan jauh sebab parking sgt jauh...,

akhirnya pada awl minggu lepas, parking bertingkat siap 75% dan dibuka semula..parking space yang reserve telah disetkan semula, elok2 dulu parking reserve sgt best locationnya, skrg oke la, tapi jauh sikit banding dulu..

tapi isu sebenar yang timbul adalah, sampai ke hari ni (since masih terdapat pekerja binaan yang masih merenovate lagi 25% of building parking bertingkat itu) setiap kali terpandang pekerja2 itu, satu je yang bermain di kepala "MEREKA INI LAH YANG KENCING KAT TANGGA PARKING TU SAMPAI RASA NAK PENGSAN DAN MUNTAH SETIAP KALI TERPAKSA LALU DI SITU,!!!" bodoh!

p/s sentiasa jaga diri jangan sampai termuntah di tangga tu sebab nnti org ckp aku "dia ni lah yang muntah kat tangga parking tu sampai sume org lalu pun rasa nak muntah sama2 dan ramai2"

fikir apa pagi ni?

i've been to 3 primary schools,
i've been to 2 secondary schools,
i've been to UiTM for prelaw, and 2 degrees in law..
i've attached to 1 lawfirm before
i've 1 place of work
i've families, close ones and relatives etc..
i've 2nd degree friends, i've 3rd degree friends etc..
i've so many friends, crushes, ex(s), enemies..bla..bla..bla..

point? it's not always about u.

p/s *yawn* ngantuknye hari ni.

2010: The Road towards Matrimonial Bliss

3 more days, before 2010 ends.
2010 tahun yang begitu memorable..sebab cerita2 kahwin mula tahun ni:

14 March 2010
Wan proposed!
15 March 2010
Tarikh bertunang dah ditetapkan pada 18 dis 2010,
tarikh kahwin, tentatively sept 2011
20 March 2010
The preparation for engagement has started,
started googling for wedding stuffs too
15 May 2010
Anniversary ke 2, semoga terus kekal bahagia
6 Sept 2010
Wan informed me that during hari raya, it will not be just a hari raya visit,
but a simple majlis merisik
14 Sept 2010
Keluarga wan datang merisik, cincin pertama disarung
24 Sept 2010
Tarikh wedding dah tetap, it's in March 2010 :)
25 Sept 2010
Preparation for wedding started, engagement's preparation=on going
18 Dec 2010
We got engaged!
Cincin kedua disarung. Darah dah manis
25 Dec 2010
Preparation for wedding continues, this time, rapidly, tinggal 3 bulan shj lagi

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

how to cook a turkey

hari ni kena research benda ni,.for some obvious reasons. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

azam baru 2011.

azam baru saya ialah seperti berikut:

Kategori 1 - family

1. rajin membelanja keluarga saya makan
2. rajin berada di rumah sebab nanti april 2011 da nak pindah rumah :)
3. selalu include mereka dlm aktiviti saya
4. increase duit raya mereka
5. increase elaun untuk mak

Kategori 2 - wan

1. (before wedding) menjadi tunang terbaik kepadanya
2. (after wedding) menjadi isteri terbaik kepadanya sampaikan dia rasa sejuk hatinya hanya dengan memandang saya.
3. tak mahu marah, tak mahu tertinggi suara, tak mahu merajuk bodoh2 lagi, tak mahu mengungkit
4. mahu menyayangi dia sepenuh hati, dan akan memastikan sayang itu tidak kurang
5. tak akan menyebut dua nama itu lagi sampai bila2 walaupun ada gossip terkini yang nak di share
6. mahu menumpang poketnya dengan lebih lagi hehehe (oh suamiku!!) <--wan, ni main2 je tau

Kategori 3 - kerja

1. mahu ikut due date sepenuh hati
2. akan cuba untuk selitkan diri dlm kes2 yg bes
3. buat je mcm yg bos suruh atau adjust sikit apabila arahannya kedengaran aneh
4. menguruskan yang seorang lagi tu dengan lebih berhati2 kerana.. :) dan tidak akan bertindak terlalu kejam
5. memelihara hubungan baik dgn colleague2 yg cool
6. ignore mereka yang tidak berkenaan apabila mereka memang tidak berkenaan

Kategori 4 - abu

1. tak akan abaikan dia sehingga akhir hayatnya

Kategori 5 - shasha

1. gi car wash sekurang-kurangnya sebulan sekali
2. memastikan kasut yang ditinggalkan di dlmnya tersusun
3. memastikan baunya wangi sentiasa
4. memastikan tidak terlibat dgn sebarang eksiden
5. memastikan tidak tercalarkannya
6. mem-pink-an dia..dalam usaha untuk teruskan plan untuk menukar warnanya. ;P

Kategori 6 - wedding

1. memastikan barang2 hantaran dan hiasan hantaran siap by end of february
2. memastikan semua perkara di handle by end of february
3. memastikan by 1st march, hanya untuk mem-perfectkan everything dan bukannya masih tercari2
4. memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar, amin!!

Kategori 7 - general
1. memelihara hubungan baik dgn semua orang
2. memelihara solat, tak mahu tinggalkan lagi
3. ganti puasa sebelum bulan 6
4. puasa nazar tinggal 7 hari
5. ..dan lain-lain.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

bola sepak malaysia lawan indonesia..

two words:


p/s ini two words ka? satu je? hehe

jawapan saya.

i've read it. and if it was really me/us whom u were referring to, here are the answers:

- thanks a lot! (for congratulating us on our engagement).

- we're glad to have found each other too, and we're glad that u r happy for us.

- yes, everything has been laid out on the table and we've settled our differences, just give it some time to heal on it's own., there's nothing complicated about it, i believe that u do understand, what we need is time. :)

- if so happen that u do think about it again, there is no reason to be sad anymore.

- we're hoping for the same thing and insyaAllah this will come to an end.

- as what u hoped for, i came to your wedding, just for u, ikhlas. :), btw congratulation!

- and i too really hope that we can just put away all those unnecessary feelings and just get along normally.

p/s but the truth is i can't get near u, they still and always will hate me too much (though we are oke.) but u can come near me, i'll save u a seat.! :) (my friends are harmless, i promise)

wedding alia.

Congratulation to alia & dazrin. The wedding was beautiful and well planned.

Met my gorgeous ashikeen khamis..
As usual, memakai baju yang sentiasa menarik perhatianku!

With Hasiful & Zul, penyelamat gantian yang sentiasa menyelamatkan awin..thanks guys.appreciate what u've done for me..!
and, syahrul, tidak lagi datang tidak berteman, dia bawak diana.
last but not least, Cik Wur, yang da mencecah 600km harini..!
kasehan, kena belasah dgn kami sampai ke batu gajah..hehe

p/s the Polaroid pic was such an awesome idea.

Friday, December 24, 2010

nak tgk hantu kak limah balik rumah

haritu ada preview kt astro prima fasal citer ni..mula2 taktau pun tu adalah preview movie baru yg belum tayang lagi, ingatkan cerita bersiri aje sebab bile tgk kat info citer tu stengah jam aje.

tapi bila stengah jam dah abis, citer tu da abis,, n dia tulis, "nantikan Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah di pawagam pada 9dec ini"..cis..cara dia promo sgt menjadi..terasa tersangat2 mau pegi tgk.

kemudian, semua org pun lupa..

smpai la semalam wan ada sebut citer ni..nak pegi tgk jugak..tapi skrg da 24dec, ade lagi ke kt wayang? jgn lah dah abis, mcm cerita "buried" haritu, bila nak tgk rupanya smlm, final show.cissss

p/s sedang cuba menyokong movie melayu..yeahhh!

i think..

it's time to clear the remaining differences..:) (if u know what i mean)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"lovey dovey" entries or statuses

one close friend of mine once expressly said that she is annoyed to read any "lovey-dovey" statuses or blog entries posted by her friends.

i know what she means, but the truth is, dear, when u are in the middle of such feeling, u can't help it..not to show off to the whole world and not to irritate people around u, but just to express what u feel. dat's all


"tak nak masuk dulu ke"

seronok nye dengan perubahan baru ni. especially bila semalam wan singgah rumah. terserempak dengan ayah,
ayah tanya dia "tak nak masuk dulu ke?" sebelum ni tak pernah dia tanya soalan tu pada wan
(sebab ayah tu seorang yang agak conventional, tertib dan beradab)
wan pun tersenyum je n jawab "takpelah, dah nak balik ni".

i LIKE!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

first date.

first date since our engagement day was today..(i begged him to come to KL as i needed to talk to him about something very important and very very very sad).

there he was, arriving in front of my house in a good mood. wan was soooo happy until i spoiled it by spilling a whole dam of tears on his shoulder...complaining about something.

complaining.complaining.complaining while i cried my lungs out (both of them)..then his mood changed, he wasn't happy anymore, maybe he was angry or frustrated, i don't know. but then, he quickly did something to remedy whatever it was that i was complaining about.

he went to one shop (in an effort to fix it) while i wondered around as i couldn't bear to hear whether the thing could be fixed or couldn't = permanently damaged!!

i stopped by auntie anne's and get a parmesan cheese pretzel (while waiting for him with a humongous reddish eyebag and a huge red nose, bigger than rudolph's, the reindeer)..later he came towards me with an honest smile and hand me the thing.

it's fixed.! not as good as new but it's perfect..!!it's perfect.!!!!! he remedied the thing., for me.alhamdulillah. i smiled. both of us were truly happy and relieved.

went for dinner @ Kenny Rogers and then went home.

a few drops of tears fell again on his shoulder on our way home, this time it felt great. i'm thankful that i have him by my side all the time. especially when i need him the most, he's already there.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


my fiance.

p/s now my name has two meanings..
"awin" "has" "him"
(s0ri ayah, i separated ur name..hihihi)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

i'm not single *wink*

talked to wan las nite..i said, darling, lagi 4 hari je..n he said, enjoy la las few days being single..

well, the question is, am i still considered "single" after i am engaged?..where we fill in any forms, if we are asked about our status, the column will provide "single" or "married"..never once i've seen "engaged"..hehe..that means, yes, i am still single although i am (will be) engaged..!

the truth is, that never bothers me for the last 2 years 7 months because i do not consider myself as a "single" anymore.. (except in filled forms of course :-))

p/s happy monthsary yang ke 31 wahai mohamad izwan.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

hanya sebab penat.

mlm semalam seperti biasa dalam kol 9 mlm, bagi la si abu makan. then dari sangkar abu nak ke pintu masuk rumah,.terjeling la kereta sendiri. berderau darah bila nampak ada orang duduk kat seat belakang. cepat2 pandang depan, trus jalan je nak masuk rumah (da la gelap ni!!). tapi sebelum masuk rumah, tak tahu kenapa berani sgt, pandang la lagi takde pun. tipu je kot.

pagi tadi, gate da terbukak sebab lin dah keluarkan kereta, pegi kerja. so, lepas keluarkan kereta sendiri, kena la tutup gate.tarik gate sebelah kiri, oke je. tarik gate sebelah kanan, oke, mula2, then tiba2 mcm terlanggar sesuatu, bergegar gate tu, berderau darah lagi sekali. gate kat rumah tu tak penah stuck pun. hisshh..! oke, whatever,.tarik balik gate tu, nak kena tutup cepat ni, da lambat nak pegi kerja. hmm, as expected, takde pun terlanggar apa2?

apa la tu? perasaan, perhaps? diri sendiri penat lately. kononnya ter-experience something paranormal..tapi sebenarnya, hanya sebab penat, itu je.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

oh sh*t..aku lupa!!!

adalah satu wedding invitation, wedding nya dibuat pada jumaat malam sabtu (malam semalam). kad dihantar sampai rumah. invitation kat facebook pun dpt n da rsvp sebagai "Attending"..

tapi aku lupa wedding tu semalam. gila kan? padahal tak ada hal-hal yg menghalang kedatangan pun.oh tuhan, mcm mana boleh lupa. terasa sgt menyesal n sgt jht. tak patut betul..

bila tiba majlis sendiri nanti, kalau jemput pengantin mlm td, harap2 dia masih sudi nak dtg.sedihnya.!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

i was too mean.

due to the preparation of my big events, i am experiencing shortage of time, finance, attention to both Abus.

there are a few times that i expressly said mean and stupid things like these:

"i think i'm giving them away la..i can't take care of them, penat! mahal!"
"with all the wedding preparation, i think i can't manage to take care of abus la.."
"i'm thinking of sending them to SPCA, do u think i need to pay for that?"
"maybe i should start asking around to find people whose interested in taking care the kucings"

and few more EVIL and MALA FIDE sentences.

i think it finally became doa and termakbul pulak when Allah tarik Abu away from me.
i regret all those words that i've said especially when i meant what i said.
i guess it's too late.


This is Abu.

He was 4 years and a few months old when he was given to me by his owner.

His real name was Boboy (given name by the previous owner) but when we arrived home that day, i don't think he responded to that name, so we changed it few days later.

I received him together with Bobby (also a name given by the previous owner). They were of same age, brothers, so i was told. They looked alike. But one of Bobby's ear was stiched closed due to infection, some time ago. That was the only difference that i saw at first. But after a few weeks i can see other differences as well, even when i can't see the ear, i can tell which one is which.

My sister said that the proper names for them should be "Abu" and "Ramli".. "Ramli the cat"?? sounds too weird.kan?

But one fine day, i called Abu out loud to them while they were at the back of my house, Bobby looked at me, responding to the name while Boboy quickly ran towards me, also responding to that name.
And so, i called both of them "ABU"

It's kinda hard, to have two cats with the same name, but it went well anyway.

The first week, Abu (bad ear) was so wild and angry, maybe he didn't recognise my smell just yet. He scratched me until i bleed. He didn't want Abu to get near him, he bit him and scratched him so bad until Abu had to stay far away from him. He hated Abu because Abu had already accepted me that i think Abu has my scent all over him that irritated Abu (bad ear). The previous owner gave us one cage, since both of them cannot stay near each other, Abu had to stay outside the cage. I felt sorry for him so i sneaked Abu into the house and Abu had to sleep in my bathroom for one night (the reason being my father clearly warned me not to let them inside the house). After a week, Abu (bad ear) let Abu came near him and i caged them together.

i bought two more cages and i installed all together so it became mansion for both Abus.

i had to caged them because they were so pretty that i'm scared people will steal them from me. Besides that my house is too near to a main road, i'm scared that they'll wonder around and get hit by a car or something.

My nephew knows both of them well, his first spoken word was "Abu"..he says it in a cute way that one can't never forget.

Both Abus were so clingy to me and my sister cah. They were originally scared of my nephew for some reasons that only they know.

I took care of them..until..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bye Abu.

Abu passed away today. I'm


(please dear Allah, let me keep the other Abu for as long as you can let me. Please ya Allah. i'm begging u.amin.)

isu yang tak akan selesai


kesimpulannya, dah penat rasanya mencuba untuk stand out. walaupun da berjaya menonjolkan diri, masih tetap diketepikan. maka dengan ini, aku akan berhenti daripada terus mencuba. bagus jugak, kurang beban kerja. balik 4.30, kau fikir la masalah berat2 tu sendiri, kau kan hebat sebab kau lelaki..see if i care.aku nak balik.terima kasih la ye!


tengah cari peribahasa fasal lalang, kadang-kadangkan kita dengar orang ckp "biasalah mcm lalang, org ke kiri, dia ke kiri, org ke kanan dia ke kanan..tak boleh decide punye org..asik terikut perangai org lain walaupun dia sendiri kutuk perangai orang yang diikut tu"

tapi tak jumpa..yang dijumpa, boleh la jugak nak guna dlm situasi ni:

Seperti buah padi, makin berisi makin rendah; jangan seperti lalang, makin lama makin tinggi.

Orang yang berilmu selalu merendahkan diri, sedangkan orang yang bodoh apabila beroleh sedikit kelebihan bertambah sombonglah ia (dan suka ambil kesempatan?).
(Bandingkan dengan: Bawa resmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk).

SumberKamus Istimewa Peribahasa Melayu

p/s tulisan yang hitam, dtg dari saya, tulisan yang purple adalah rujukan dr url di atas.

Narnia: the voyage of the dawn trader~

Wan and i watched narnia yesterday, in 3D.. it's 3D is superb at first, especially when the title is showing at the beginning of the movie..but later on, i sort of forgot that the movie was in fact in 3D, i'm not sure why.
The plot is mainly on the ocean so there's not much scenery to expect seeing. Not so many mythical creatures as well, just the minotaur, faun, mouse, dragon, sea people and the sea serpent (or was it kraken?) and yes yes..the one-legged dwarf dufflepud..poor centaur was not even mention..
to some people, narnia is a bit childish that one could think "why the h*** am i watching this kind of fantasy movie" i couldn't agree more..but the catch is this, narnia:prince caspian (2008) was the movie that wan and i watched during our first date (ever!), 15th May 2008, the day we became what we are today, so now and in the future, we can't possibly miss any narnia (if there's going to be anymore in the future, i think there will be as there are 7 novels to chronicles of narnia..).
it's an 'ok' movie, i give it 2 and a half star.,that's it.
p/s prince caspian was sooooo handsome and charming in this narnia.miow! hehe

Monday, December 6, 2010

my best friend's wedding.

selamat pengantin baru athirah and azad..!

Friday, December 3, 2010


cool kan? :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st December means..

- sale di mana2
- kontrak byk nak semak hujung thn sbb dorg nak tutup akaun
- SKT kena hantar untuk penilaian
- monthly report nak kena buat
- asb akan tutup nak kira dividen
- birthday wan exactly 1 month away, kena fikir nak bli hadiah apa


- 18 days left for our special day and there are so many things that need to b done..!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

good it?

is it just me or everybody really hates sharing good news (personally) lately?

p/s emo pulak aku pagi2 nih. :-)) haha

time stops...not!!

tinggal lagi 2 minggu 4 hari..:-)

Friday, November 26, 2010

hockey team Malaysia - the haircut!

yesterday my family and i watched men hockey final Sukan Asia..although our team lose, it's oke, although they actually (and obviously) didn't play very well compared to pakistan, it's oke, sometimes when u lose, u lose..we hv accepted it. silver was good enough, congratulations anyway.

but what is NOT OKE was their hairstyle.!!! when u represent ur country abroad, u are representing, not only the nation but the people as well, the language, the culture and so on.. but when most of the Malaysian men hockey players get hairstyle like that, it feels like a hard-cold-slapped in a face of every Malaysians ever existed.!!!! u know why? because they are giving an impression to foreigners that Malaysians's hairstyle are like that.

without them realizing, they are embarassing, downgrading, insulting their own countrymen *sigh*

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Buried 2010

I watched this movie while lying in my own bed in the dark, such surrounding made me feel trapped and buried together with Paul Conroy! suffocating!!
The movie, for me, is a success..It is still successful even though it only took place in the coffin and nowhere else.
But, (too bad that there is still a "but"), if u have seen CSI buried alive episode where nick stokes was buried alive in a glass coffin, u'll find that some of the plots are alike. It seems like u are watching the same thing but in a different condition (both even got animals involved!). I started to feel like the idea of Buried came from CSI, but what do i know right? :-)
I rated this film as 3.5 star (out of 5, of course).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

meeting semalam

bos ckp "if perlu, stay la balik lewat skit."

sambil dia ckp, dia pandang direct kat muka ni. alahai bos, tahukah anda, saya balik bukannya cepat, saya balik on time, 4.30 sebab saya WP1 (7.30-4.30). cepat means kol 2 ke 3 ke,,
siapa balik lambat nampak macam rajin.

kalau dtg awal (hari2 kol 7am da smpai) still tak nampak rajin pulak tu..haih bengang aje.

takkan la saya nak dtg 7am nak balik 6pm? kalau mcm tu baiklah saya chambering dan practice di luar sana kan? lagipun kerja saya selalu siap on time..nampak mcm pemalas sgt balik 4.30 sbb sebelum pukul 5. kalau balik pukul 5 minyak kereta byk la..sbb kl ni jammed!! taktau ke?

yang tak patutnya ialah masih nampak mcm pemalas sgt sbb balik 4.30 walaupun smpai seawal 7pagi.

Monday, November 22, 2010

tak tertanggung

Status fb seorang kawan baik semalam:

"Teringat pada soalan yang ditujukan oleh seorang sahabat..kenapa kau nak kahwin cepat?...Seorang lagi sahabat memberi jawapan yang bernas..tak tertanggung rasanya dosa ini, tak perlu la di tambah lagi.."

setuju! :-)
dosa kecil yg terkumpul pun dah terasa berat.

tapi ada jugak yang cetek akal yang terus menghakimi statement (status fb tersebut) di atas dengan menyatakan (walaupun dengan nada gurau) bahawa if hukum kahwin ke atas kau da jadik wajib, (i.e. wajib kahwin sebab kalau tak kahwin ada kemungkinan akan berlaku maksiat) maka kena la kahwin cepat2. dangkal.! kalau hukum kahwinnya sunat? tak patut cepat2 ke? sunat kan jika dibuat dpt pahala..?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

movies within this week

1. harry potter

i am a fan of all harry potter movies, but not this one. it's a bit frustrating to me since it contains more monologue than the magical elements that one expects to watch in this kind of movie (at least i expected so). maybe because this time the movie is divided into 2 parts that they prolonged the story line (by using more and more words but less action) and thus it becomes a little bit boring? (perhaps)
i had to focus so hard so that i wont be left out in knowing where the story goes, otherwise it will be no point of looking forward to part 2 next year.
besides that there exist some elements of shock here and there that have spooked the children and caused them to cry so loud and disturbed the other audiences.

2. Let me in

This movie is not "just another vampire story" as what was described in detail in Vampires Suck. It's a fresh idea when it involves a child and a child-vampire, falling in love, enjoying life while still having to face the fact that one of them is truly a vampire!
I liked it, but mind you that the story line was a bit slow.

Disclaimer: this is just a friendly review.! *peace*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Air Papan VS Karambunai

Pantai Air Papan, Mersing VS Pantai Karambunai, Sabah

Pantai Air Papan

Pantai Karambunai

Pantai Air Papan

Pantai Karambunai
Dua-dua pantai lebih kurang sama aja. Sama cantik jugak. Tapi kenapa Karambunai bukan main hebat dan Air Papan langsung senyap? Air Papan pun patut lebih dikomersialkan, sayang tempat cantik tapi senyap sunyi sepi.!

jangan kisahkan warna biru langit tu sebab masa kat Karambunai awan penuh and hujan gerimis, masa kat Air Papan langit terang tak ada awan and panas terik.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

his smell.

do u notice that your boyfriend/fiance/husband/partner has certain smell that you are addicted to? well i do!..

came across a blog.

i came across a blog today. One of it's entries was totally dedicated to me, spelling out 10 things i needed to know about him, (him being "my beloved husband-to-be"), but of course now it would be no longer significant as i know him inside out.
after reading that entry, i smiled because, i realized that i'm different.

i love the fact that wan loves his family so much that he always prioritize them in every way, that shows how much he's going to care about me when i become his family soon.

Monday, November 15, 2010

happy monthsary darling!

this picture is self explanatory. :-)

until indefinitely!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

down the memory lane

wan and i went to Kluang for some urusan. when it's done, we decided to go to Mersing since mersing used to be my "home" some 7 years ago.

so we travelled 114km from Kluang to Mersing via bumpy and not-at-all a straight road for about 1 and a half hour where we saw a few monkeys (with monyet jantan yang besar dan kelihatan garang) and the best part was, we saw a big wild boar crossing the road approximately 20metres in front of our car!!!

we passed MRSM MERSING, where i felt like coming home..hahah..i think i miss that place so much but i still have no intention to go back! no way!!!!

arriving at Mersing we went to KFC (the one and only KFC between 120km range via any road available!) for lunch. then i drove along the road and see the bus station near the tioman jetty, the hospital, hotel seri malaysia..all those places that i've been before, i showed to wan, telling many stories that i remember back in the old days..then we went to the famous pantai there, pantai air papan (that was the only pantai i know in mersing, i was hoping to see dolphins because when i went there many years ago, i saw a whole family of dolphins swimming near that pantai, but to no luck :-( ), took some pictures and on our way back, we stopped at some gerai and bought keropok lekor fresh (but Kuantan's keropok lekor is A LOT BETTER than Mersing's, Mersing punye lebih tepung, kurang isi ikan).

due to my carelessness i left my favourite and my most newest shirt in Kluang, so we had to go back to Kluang and picked it up., then we planned to hit the plus highway from Kluang, straight to KL..this was also to ensure that wan could get the toll receipt from Kluang entrance to Kajang exit, for claiming purposes. on our way back, we took the same road (obviously because there are no other road to Kluang other than that) and we saw another wild boar crossing the road in front of our car, this time about 10metres away, and this time it was anak wild boar because it was so tiny like piglet in winnie the pooh (but it was black and not pink! sad. but if it was pink, then it could not have been a boar but a pig kan? hehe)

the trip was so much fun, we really enjoyed ourselves but i was then attacked with stupid gastritis..such a spoiler isn't it?????? so wan drove me all the way to KL, then went back to putrajaya, i arrived at 11.40pm and went to sleep instantly. it's nice to have outstation job where we get to go on a sidetrip along the way and claim for the mileage. in such a case, if we do make a sidetrip, we only need to topup a little.!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

facebook, thanks a lot!

as i explored facebook this morning, to my surprise, i found a friend of mine from primary school. since i found her, i remembered "him"..yess THE HIM!..the boy i fell in "love at a first sight" with (it wasn't love laaa, it was merely a crush..derr) 14years ago..and of course he's no longer a boy, a full grown married man with a cute little daughter.
i added him, he approved,..he said he doesn't remember me..of course he doesn't--> he didn't even know me back then....but i told him everything that i knew about him..ahah..that was good ol times..
it's a good/satisfying feeling to have found long lost friends over facebook..seriously :-)

i can't survive LDR!

remembering the day wan told me that he maybe transfered to any utara court, the closest being Ipoh..

remembering the day i was told that wan was (actually) transfered to Seremban Court

remembering a dear friend, athirah told me: "tak apa, kita (tirah, nik and i) LDR sama2"

remembering reading a dear friend's blog this morning, yes nadiah, your blog..


ask wan, how he has to travel every two days, seremban-kl-kajang just to see me after work. kesian dia! (thank God seremban is only 90 kilometres away)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

masih tersenyum.

hujung minggu lepas antara minggu terpenat bagi wan sebab dia kena ke sana-sini meneman dan sama-sama menguruskan urusan itu. sampai la malam tadi, pukul 11.15mlm barulah dia sampai rumah. dah la berulang kajang-seremban everyday untuk pergi kerja. kesiannya dia kena layan si girlfren kejam dia yang eager nak siapkan tersangat banyak benda dalam masa yang amat pendek. and he can still made my day by smiling sincerely sebelum berlepas balik ke rumahnya malam tadi.

wan: thank u wan!!!!! minggu ni win tak kacau wan dah, win kasik cuti sampai hari khamis, sebab jumaat nanti win akan dtg balik menghantui wan.hehehe..

Monday, November 8, 2010

punca trafik jem yang aneh.

masa cuti deepavali hari jumaat lepas, gatal pegi ikut wan buat reman kat balai polis seremban 2. masa kat highway plus utara selatan tu, sejurus selepas keluar dari shell kat tempat rehat Seremban, tiba-tiba jam!!! kalau drive kereta manual, jam gear satu lah..lebih kurang 1km jam, baru la lalu kat tempat punca jam. semua org tau kan kat jln2 malaysia, semua driver suka sangat stop and stare?

kali ni, ada seorang lelaki india, pakai seluar pendek hijau, tak pakai baju, tak pakai kasut, tgh joging tepi highway ni! jadi semua driver stop and stare la. kami turut berpandangan sesama sendiri apabila melihat punca jam tersebut. selepas daripada lelaki india tu, jalan terus clear, daripada gear 1 terus gear kan? hahahaha

p/s: rugi betul tak ambil gambar.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

weekend yang penuh.

weekend yang sgt penuh:

jumaat: ikut wan pegi keje kat balai polis seremban. pegi nilai shopping. singgah bbbangi survey barang tp tak jd beli.

sabtu: masak lunch sorang2.pasang tinted kereta ira. pegi jalan tar beli langsir. buat hantaran.

ahad: pegi rumah wan hantar barang hantaran. nak jumpa zira.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

here's a fact about loan.

bank simpanan nasional is among banks that offers low interest for personal loan but a government servant who hasn't get his/her permanentship, needs a guarantor who has.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

char kuey tiow!

las nite my sisters and i (together with my b.i.l.) went to eat char kuey tiow in titiwangsa. sany char kuey tiow was the name of the place..sedappp!

anyway my b.i.l. asked us to spell char kuey tiow. from few attempts, we failed to get the correct spelling. the reason is because, there is no definite spelling for char kuey tiow in malaysia.!! every different restaurant spell it differently..!!

char kuey tiow
char kuay teow
char koey tiau
char kuey tiau
char koaey tiow
chao kuey tiaw

nice ha?? i love malaysian food..:)

wedding blog saya.

kesian my wedding blog. i've created it since june dah. tak update pun. i am now re-activating it!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

kalau baju tak muat..

ada 2 pilihan:

1. try to slim down, a bit


2. pegi alter baju tu..?

p/s: sedih!

Monday, November 1, 2010

with a little support, i can stand up on my own.!!!

someone asked me, when i am going to get married, will i:
1. give my father rm30k (or any reasonable amount) and ask him to organize the event; or
2. ask him to organize, without even giving him the money.

my answer was: NEITHER!
i will not give my father the money and i will not ask him to organize the event for me because i will do it on my own.
i will only ask for his support and tiny favours like finding me a jurunikah, invite all jemaah surau and some neighbours personally to the event, asking for free advice and things like that.

he (that someone) has the idea that the children will only tell their father that they want to get married on certain date and expect the father to handle everything,.from ordering the food from the caterer, of course the father is expected to pay for it, the canopy etc. etc. to the small small things.

well, i choose to organize it on my own as i wish not to burden my father and mother with the preparation and all. it is enough for them to be there throughout the process, supporting me physically, emotionally, in terms of ideas and opinions and i don't expect financial support, seriously (not that i don't hope for it, i do).

pardon me dear someone, don't assume that every "children" can't stand up on their own, because they can, but only when they want to.

persiapan?? OTW!

so far persiapan utk disember ni da makin siap..tinggal baju belum ambil, hantaran tengah gubah..selepas tu bley goyang kaki tunggu je tarikh tu sampai,,

pelik pulak rasanya..time utk prepare majlis tunang bukan main lama..padahal, masa utk prepare majlis sanding terpendek sangat pulak.sempat.sempat..insyaallah.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

kucing dan bayi.

mak ckp "nnti kau da kawen kau takpayah la bela abu (kucing) tu lagi, org2 tua ckp nnti susa dpt anak"

dpd statement di atas, maksud mak mungkin:

1. kalau bela kucing, susah dpt anak (ikut mitos org2 tua)


2. mak expect kami beranak cepat2 lepas kawen nnti??

hehehe..yg mana satu la ni?
p/s tapi wan ckp mak dia bela kucing relax je ada 6 org anak? heehehehe

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


i always know that 25 is a significant number to me..

here is the good part: i am getting married during my 25 years of age!

the better part is: since wan and i are of the same age, wan's marrying age is also 25!!

and the best part is: my wedding day is going to be on one of the "25th" in 2011!!!

tinggal lagi..

4 bulan 4 minggu..
cptla selesai perkara2 besar ni..


lesson learned. but, why do i still need to care? susah jadi org baek ni ;-P

today's mode: ignorant.

Monday, October 25, 2010

a hurtful fact.

why is it that the one person i intend to treat as the least important person in my life suddenly becomes the highlight of the day?
then indirectly because of such highlight, i came to speak about the don'ts to my darling that caused him to lose his cool.
i regret that this has to happen. i wish that i will never ever has to cross paths with that one person and all of his/her friends that annoy me, because i can't deny that one person has the ability to hurt me, my darling and our relationship.

today isn't a good day, wishfully tomorrow will be.

bengang lagi ni

apsal la lately senang sgt ticked off?????
adalah hantu ni..cara dia ckp macam la dia tu berpengalaman sangat..
kau fikir kau sapa?
jgn la buat statement seolah2 kau tu tak pnah buat salah..
kau buat aku panass!


kurang dr 2 bulan

tak sempat..tak sempat..byk nye lg benda kena buat..!!

post pangkor.

- terdapat satu dot di muka yg mencacatkan akibat terkena kelongsong peluru yg panas tu. da la tak menang apape2 parut dapat.

- tidak mengalami sunburn yg obvious wlaupun berjemur kt laut spanjang dua hari yg panas.

- tangan sengal tak ley angkat..padan muka sapa suruh berkayak sungguh2! haha

- ulser yg saket dlm mulut sebab tak cukup air/dehydrate sbb berendam air masin lama na.

- seronok!!!! puas bergambar..whohooo! (hilang stress akibat minggu lepas tu.)

- rindu wan. wan jom jumpa hari ni!

Friday, October 22, 2010

tak marah lagi dah,

bila marah, cari wan. cerita kat wan, dr mula smpai abes. tak tinggal sikit pon detail, semua disclosed. semua cerita kat wan termasuklah cerita2 yg tak sepatutnya wan dgr, dia ttp menadah telinga dengar jugak luahan hati ni, tak penah jemu n fed up. after abes diluahkan, cerita dan air mata, tenang terus hati ni. tak tinggal sikitpun rasa marah td.

bila marahkan org laen, tp tak ada cara utk marah balik org tu, wan dgn ikhlas offer diri, marah la wan, kata dia. sebagai ganti org tu, supaya nnti hati ni tak marah lg n boleh terus tenang. mcm mana tak sayu bila dgr offer si ikhlas ni,?? mana nk jumpa org yg offer diri utk kene marah atas kesalahan org laen semata-mata utk kurangkan kemarahan hati org kesayangan dia?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


esok, nk gi pangkor.
1 bulan 4 minggu dr skrg, nk bertunang.

pegi pangkor = sunburn = hitam = perlu 2 bulan utk recover ke asal

dah la memang kulit tak brapa nk puteh..alahai..cmne ni??

kisah lelaki yg tak tahu diuntung!

there was this guy i met 9 years ago. i was so into him back then but he left without a trace. i tried searching for him but to no avail so i decided to just wait n let him find me. life goes on.
later in 2010, (a few months back), he found me! via facebook. there was a weird feeling that i felt when i was about to approve him as a friend on facebook. and that feeling wasn't a good one.
i can see that he has a wife and two kids now. from his facebook profile i can tell that he is happy with his life. i'm happy for him. truly.

today, he mentioned about the past..for some reason, he ticked me off. oh yess, the reason being "i was 'technically' dumped!!!" damn. n he claimed that he didn't even have the intention to do that. ohh..yeah right!

i asked wan a question today "will u ever going to leave me?"
his answer was "no, i promise" that's all i needed to hear.
i believe him. this is the kind of guy i want to end up with. not like the former one.:-)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2nd visit.

i was on emergency leave today for some reason. later in the evening, i was free and i drove all the way to seremban court to visit u know who!

he was pleased to know that i am coming over, bringing food along for lunch. i brought enough home cooked food (of course cooked by me) for both of us in one tupperware. i was thinking that i would at least eat 1/3 of the food while he'll finish of the rest.

but, he ended up eating everything and not a single rice was left for me.! lapo bona ye wan? hehhe..

i wish his office is near mine. i can't keep going to seremban all the time..jauh!! (though it was worth it.. since i can't get enough of him.)

"tudung" issues

i am in the midst of surveying "w" package all over lembah klang over the past two months now. most boutiques offer "w" dresses complete with "tudung" (and of course accessories). but my eyes told me that most "w" dresses are better wore without "tudung". i also think that most brides look better when "tudung"-less!! this makes me very sad as i have (recently) made a pledge to Allah s.w.t. to always wear tudung.

setan ni kacauuuu laa..! ya Allah ya tuhanku, kukuhkanlah imanku..amin!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i don't know what to name this entry.

it is so hard to handle so many things at once during the "preparation" time. when i think that i've found the best deal, when i was about to make the decision..pufff!!! there is another better option coming my way..this is good..but i'm all stressed out..i just want to choose and decide and move on to another thing..bear in mind i still have zillion other things to think about and decide!!!!!!! arrgghhhh..i need help, my beloved "husband-to-be-plus-shrink-cos-he's-the-only-one-i-can-pour-my-tears-and-sadness-to" is in seremban that when i need him, he can't be available all the time.
i need to toughen myself up.

Monday, October 18, 2010

boleh! alhamdulillah..

terbaca satu entri di facebook seseorang (kawan kepada kawan), tajuknya:

"sibuk tanya kita (perempuan) handal memasak ke tidak, mereka (lelaki) boleh jadi IMAM tak?"

tersenyum apabila mengaplikasikan isu tersebut ke diri sendiri. bakal suami saya, boleh jadi imam..yesssss!!! (alhamdulillah, syukur..syukur)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

misi terbang2!

pegi surprise visit ke court seremban. nak tgk buah hati. mcm excited pulak, so pegi pilih tempat kt belakang sekali. apsal kepala lutut ketaq ni.rasa mcm tertuduh lak..takot!!! (excited lebih2 smpai lutut menggeletar! a good sign rite?)

nampak dia naek bench.handsomenyaaaaa!! rasa nk terkam je.hehe. dia takde expression pun? sedih da..

fikir positif: dia atas bench, kite audience, there's a possibility yg dia tak prasan. audience ramai plak tu. gatal dok blkg skali sapa suro?

dia stand down. tp tak kol/msg pun. sah la ni dia tak nmpak kite. hmm..balik la cmni.

fikir positif: tggu la! td dia tak nmpak. mungkin kejap lagi dia nmpak?

tunggu. second time dia naik bench. brapa kali dia pandg arah sini. tp takde expression pun?? haihh bengangnye! dia senyum2 pulak. takde benda yg kelakar pon? mungkin dia da nmpk kite kot? suke.! suke.! suke.!..(behave..behave)

dia turun bench. hmm.. mungkin dia tak nmpak kite pon. takpela. nak kol la, n sebut apa saja yg terjadi dlm court td kat dia, so dia akan tau, gf dia ada spnjg masa dia atas bench today. mybe he'd like that.

win: "hello, wan..!!?!!"
wan: " kenapa dtg seremban ni..??"

dia nampak..yey!!! suke nya!!!! mission accomplished!

Monday, October 11, 2010

gambar dulu2

tgh kemas2 hard disk yang da semak, tiba2 ternampak gambar ni. konvokesyen LLB Hons..dlm masa kurang setengah jam selepas gambar ni di snap, seorang bakal menantu telah berjumpa dengan bakal ibu mertuanya buat pertama kali!..:-)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

bos saya kawen!

semalam wedding pn. julia, cik puan bos pertama saya semenjak join agc. happy sangat tgk dia, sbb ketara pada wajah dia yang dia happy sangat2. alhamdulillah, da selamat!

saya sayang abu-abu saya.

waaa..tingginya hantaran! orang kaya ni!

tajuk di atas terpakai kepada tiga situasi:

1. mmg sesuai nilai hantaran tersebut dgn dirinya dan persekitarannya.
2. mmg sesuai nilai hantaran tersebut dgn dirinya tapi tidak untuk persekitarannya.
2. mmg tak sesuai nilai hantaran tersebut dgn dirinya dan persekitarannya.

haha..anda yang mana ;-P??

konsep asal duit hantaran tu adalah, pihak lelaki bg pihak perempuan duit yang secukupnya untuk buat majlis kenduri kahwin di rumah/side perempuan.

tp zaman skrg, kalau hantaran rm10,000 pun tak cukup, sbb rata-rata orang skrg guna catering untuk kenduri, especially org bandar sbb kat bandar, takde org nk tolong gotong royong masak2 ni. so, at least rm7,000 da kena baya catering. rm3,000 pelamin dan lain2.

tp pada yang bernasib baik, duduk kampung, (sepatutnya) bley save duit sikit, sbb orang2 kampung, ada yang masih nak bergotong-royong masak ramai2 utk kenduri kawen. kos takkan setinggi kos kat bandar. atau catering luar bandar pon tak semahal catering kat bandar. (tu baru catering la..)..

maka, dats why orang kat bandar mintak at least rm10,000 dan ke atas.. sbb mmg kos nya begitu!! bukan nak menunjuk-nunjuk. bukan sebab ada ijazah, harganya rm10,000 ke atas.BUKAN!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


my friend's facebook status hari ni:
"sumtimes the one who is right in front of u is the one u've been waiting for all ur life."
i think she is right.

applying that to my situation. izwan had been my clasmate since mid of 2004..he was my best friend. totally free from feeling.., until mid of 2008, when we started the relationship, only then i realised that --> he, who has been right in front of me the whole time is the one that i have been waiting for all my life.hhmm..

p/s: wan, since u r reading this entry, sory ye win jiwang harini..hihihi :-)


dah tgk magika malam tadi. suke! hari ni mood gmbira gile..rasa nak nyanyi2.hehe

Monday, October 4, 2010


kenapalah wan kene cross path dgn si lawyer terkutuk tu lagi? (lawyer dah ke dia? ke blom long call tp pegi appear b4 court??)

tapi takpelah..dia yang kene appear before, dia takkan bley take advantage against u, kan?

i hope one day that she will need (so desperately) anything from me, that she will hv to beg..that time, i will simply say, no.

p/s: kaler rambut berkarat sedangkan kulit muka terbakar, omg buruk!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

the unforeseen events!

ada dua org perempuan, A dan B. makan tghari semeja. si A yg tgh mengandung (cuba utk mulakan conversation) tanya la si B "u ada anak?"..malangnya, B jawab "i'm not married" hahahhh..keadaan tiba2 jadi awkward, riak wajah A cuba utk cari topik lain, utk tak berjaya, muka kelat je, smbung makan..mereka berdua tak bercakap da lepas dr tu.

esoknya, si A cuba utk mulakan conversation again, kali ni dgn C.. "u pregnant ke, brapa bulan?"..C ketawa (muka nampak kecewa, keliru dan sedih)..C jwb, "no lah, i gained weight".. muka A berubah, n A said "ya laa..same like me, gaining and never losing any" sambil tunjuk perut dia. padahal da terang2 A mengandung kot? apa punya cara la nk cover mcm tu? hahaha..offensive and sad. patutnya A tak pyh la mulakan conversation dgn org baru n tak knal. ataupun, jgn la mulakan conversation dgn soalan yg tak sure ada jawapan..! mungkin A patut komen cuaca? or simply tanya u duduk mana?!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

september is ending, it's tomorrow.

tadi wan las day kat court expected, dpt farewell gifts..wan dpt tea set! yeay! (aneh, tp oke la) and wall clock, chocolate etc..he seemed so happy. esok, he is officially a magistrate! i'm so proud of him and so happy too..
it's just, attempting to adjust my life style without having him by my side everyday, is difficult. but i'll survive. i think (and hope).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

bangunkan saya apabila september berakhir,

sebab oktober menyakitkan.


isnin - jumaat win smpai umah kol 5. win tggu wan smpai umah win kol 5.20. amek win, kuar gi jln mana2 berdua aja.bes


isnin, wan kt kl, tggu win balik dr bangi. jem teruk, wan tggu win dr kol 5, win sampai dkt kol 8.

selasa, wan kt kl, tggu win balik dr bangi. tak win habis lambat.wan tggu win dr kol 5, win sampai kol 6.30.

esok, rabu, wan akan stay kl, tggu win balik dr bangi. harap2 tak jem.harap2 lecturer bg kuar awal supaya win dpt smpai sblm kol 6.harap2. harap2.itupon wan da kene tggu sejam.

khamis, wan kata wan tak dpt jmpa win, sbb wan nak kuar mkn dgn kawan2. takde sapa kt kl tggu win balik dr bangi. tp, asalkan wan happy, win happy.

(september telah berakhir)

jumaat, (1oktober2010) win akan tggu wan kat bangi. wan akan dtg bangi dr seremban. harap2 lecturer bg kuar awal. harap2 wan pon dpt smpai awl. lepas jmpa wan, win balik kl dr bangi. takde sapa kt kl tggu win balik dr bangi. at least da jumpa wan. oke la kan?


isnin - jumaat win tak pyh tggu wan sbb wan mmg takkan smpai umah win.


isnin - jumaat takde yang berubah. win tak pyh tggu wan sbb wan mmg takkan smpai umah win.

apa yg win dan wan dua2 tggu ialah hujung minggu.hujung minggu barulah wan sampai umah win. sedihnya.

Friday, September 24, 2010


today will be the last jumaat for wan to serve as SAR in KL court. next jumaat, he'll be working in Seremban court.

engagement ekspres

terbaca blog seseorang yang menceritakan kisah pertunangan dia..pertunangan ekspres gile2 punye ekspres..ekspres sbb dia di bagik 1 day notice utk prepare utk engagement yg sepatutnya majlis risik.

if i am in her position, surely i'll b busy asking for posponment n not busy preparing for such ekspres event, i'm not that tough, i'll break down to to her for being so tough and able to go through such pressure successfully.kudos!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

lisa surihani..!

she really can act. professional actress, tak menggedik (unless mmg watak tu gedik)..n very pretty (though in some movies ada jugak yg nmpak biasa je, i think her pretty-ness depends on her hair style). i am officially declaring that i am a fan of her work, professionalism and talent.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"white" gold or "golden" gold?

kalau beli cincin berlian, lebih cantik kalau emas nye tu emas putih, so they say. mungkin aku ni tradisional sikit, sebab aku rasa emas yg kuning jauh lagi cantik.


teringat dulu masa zaman belajar, duit tak berapa nak ada. ada sekali tu orang tanya "wahh, cantiknya cincin, emas putih ke?" aku senyum aje..padahal cincin besi bli kat jusco RM10..hehehe..kalo tengok seimbas lalu, memang serupa pon, kalo dibelek2 secara dekat baru lah nampak (kot..) aku berani cakap most people tak tau pun apa bezanya..lebih ramai yang berlagak macam tau..hahahaha..memalukan!
naseb baik bile aku pakai cincin emas putih yang genuine diorang tanya soalan yang sama n tak tanya "cincin besi ke?" hahahah

Sunday, September 19, 2010

lagi 10 hari..

sahaja yang tinggal sebelum wan pindah seremban..:-(

paper bag yang mahal!

pagi tadi gi jalan tar..survey beberapa barang. since semalam wan sebut fasal paper bag nak isi gift utk guests, aku pon gi la tgk harganya bpe..::

paper bag : rm2.80 satu paket

pastu terjumpa pulak bekas bentuk hati yg teramat comel n jauh lebih murah dpd paper bag tu..
harganya pulak hanya..::

bekas hati : rm27 = 25 bekas = rm1.08 satu bekas

da la lg comel, lg murah pulak tu >> nilah yang aku sebut kat wan..tapi then wan buat aku fikir (sebelum aku diketawakan habis-habisan)

how come paper bag lagi mahal dpd bekas hati pulak?
paper bag tu kan rm2.80 per paket..dlm satu paket ada 10keping..sekeping only rm0.28 pandainye kire aku ni!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


having respect to formality and custom, wan's family came by to my house today for ziarah during hari raya and for MERISIK. alhamdulillah, it went well (despite the tears and sweat and all the things that wan and i went through..)

1 down, 4 to go.. i'm happy. i love you wan..!

Monday, September 13, 2010

makan di siang hari.

setiap kali hari raya pertama, mesti rasa pelik bile nak makan di siang hari. bila nmpak ayah pagi2 dah ngap ketupat tu..baru la teringat, eh hari ni raya dah..puasa da abes..bley makan..
kesimpulannya, oleh sebab da biasa puasa sebelum raya, marilah buat puasa 6..ley ganti sekali.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

selamat hari raya..

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin...kepada semua muslim di Malaysia (dan Singapura) !

p/s #1: kepada wan darling, i know that u are going to read here goes.. "Wan, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Win mintak maaf kalau selalu terkasar bahasa dengan wan, selalu bossy dgn wan, selalu termarah wan walaupun win yg buat salah. win mintak maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki. win mintak maaf ye wan? and halalkan makan minum win yg wan belanja selalu tu..:-) i love u, can't wait for the day that u will arrive at my house with ur family for raya and.. u know. (",)"

Monday, September 6, 2010

iklan tv3

baguslah iklan tv3 tu dah ditarik balik. mana boleh buat iklan macam tu. agama tak boleh dicampuradukkan. sekian terima kasih.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

mari menjahit manik!

selepas hampir tiga minggu mula menjahit manek, setakat ni je yang baru siap??
aduhai..i'm such a slowpoke!!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


when u r planning to get married, please b ready to have some of ur hopes being squashed by events. one of the hopes that i am talking about is choosing dates..

dates maybe important to u that u need to hav ur wedding day on that specific date..ur smile will grow a lot bigger when u check the calendar and found out that the date of ur choice falls on saturday/sunday. but don't get ur hope too high since later on when u discuss with other "relevant" people, they'll crushed ur hope and simply say "no" (of course in a polite way)

one advise..just accept and move on! :-(

Thursday, September 2, 2010

duit raya

raya tahun ni raya tahun kedua aku dah kena bagi duit raya kat budak2. las year aku kasik rm1 je kpd setiap budak yg aku tak knal, tak tau nama, tak tau anak sapa. salah sorg budak tu siap komen lagi.."kak, kate lawyer, takkan rm1 je". menyirap rasanya apabila mendengar kata2 budak yang tak tahu bersyukur tu. tapi tak terjawab pulak. betul jugak.nape la rm1 je?

jawapannya macam ni:

"adik, tahun depan kakak nak kahwin dah..adik taktau lagi yg skrg ni kalo nak kahwin tu kene pakai duit banyak.makanya perbelanjaan kena disekat. adik doakan lah kakak cepat2 kahwin, supaya kewangan cepat2 stabil, bley kasik sorang rm5! best kan? tapi buat raya tahun ni pon kakak kasik rm1 je la.sori ye."

sedih.(tiba2 topik duit raya ley kait ngan kawen pulak)


hari ni dah 2 september..
lagi 28 hari je tinggal sebelum wan pindah seremban.
(this is me over reacting..)

Monday, August 30, 2010

ada hantu ke masa bulan puasa?

hari jumaat lepas, aku terserempak dengan "orang" yang berdiri tegak tanpa sebab kat ruang lif..aku keluar daripada lif dengan nadiah then there "she/it" was standing still at the corner..terkejut aku..bodoh betul! tak ada choice pulak tu, nak tak nak kena jugak lalu betul2 tepi dia. lalu je lah..naseb baik ada nadiah..kalau tak pengsan dah aku..

pakai tudung merah, baju hijau kelabu, bunga2 kecik..berdiri tak bergerak langsung, senyum pandang kami berdua. keluar aje daripada ruang lif, terus aku tanya nadiah, whether dia nampak tak perempuan tu..she said dia nampak n dia tak fikir apa2 yg scary pon..jadi kurang la gegaran di kepala lutut aku ni.fuhh..

tapi, aku still fikir, what/who the hell was that?? if she is a person, why the hell did she stood still and smile cmtu????? haih..mindef bangunan lama..buat sume orang takot.orang pun dianggap hantu..hehe

tak kesah berapa kali aku cuba anggap dia tu orang, still aku rasa dia bukan orang..(harap2 dia orang)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"kitorang" vs "kami"

dalam meeting formal, bila kita bercakap, elaklah daripada guna "kitorang" sebaliknya, gunalah "kami"..kan proper sikit? "kita" pun lebih baik daripada "kitorang"..

tapi susah sebenarnya nak biasakan lidah kita yang da selalu guna bahasa pasar ni. termasuklah aku sampai sekarang selalu saje terkeluar "kitorang"..

marilah kita sama2 cuba untuk elak daripada menggunakannya dalam meeting formal ye..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


1. wan nye transfer order da keluar!
2. my boyfriend is a magis*****!! alhamdulillah.
3. transfer ke selatan.alhamdulillah.
4. tak berapa jauh.alhamdulillah.
5. jumpa seminggu sekali? oke kan? alhamdulillah.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

in memories of kak shidah.

(dari kiri: kak su, kak has, kak shidah, kak dila, mazuin, nadiah,
kak ana, kak eiffa)

Kak Rashidah Hj Lassim
(5 Julai 1959 - 22 Ogos 2010)
semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat.alfatihah.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

at least jumpa jugak!

sekarang hari-hari jumpa.
tak lama lagi, dalam seminggu, sehari je jumpa.
ada orang tu berminggu, berbulan n kadang2 bertahun tak jumpa..oke je?
apsal la aku ni??

at least dia takde la akan tercampak jauh. dekat je tu. bersyukur2.
telefon free, internet free..byk cara..bersyukur2.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


3 perkara:

1. ada segelintir kawan-kawan skola raja abdullah kahwin, sorg pun tak penah ajak aku dtg. padahal, hampir semua dorg tu tau je mana rumah aku and boleh je contact if nak. tp tak pun! now semua sebuk nk mintak diri diajak dtg ke wedding aku. nak ajak ke tak?

ajak! of course ajak!! after all, MAYBE, dorg ada sebab kenapa ter miss aku? hmm

2. one of my best friends in uitm law is getting married disember. i am sooooo there!!!!

congrats in advance Ath* dan pasangan Az*

3. when is my day?? soon! :-)

step by step..first step, september perhaps?

Friday, August 13, 2010

a wife's first day of fasting..

my cute-little-cuddly colleague is now happily married. Last wednesday was her first day of fasting after her status upgrade (single --> married). that evening she hoped that it would be a perfect fasting day ever. little did she know that it didn't go well.

she had a continuous fight with her husband in deciding where/what to eat during buka puasa. it was almost time! desperately her husband parked their car so far away from the food bazaar. she protested to that too! and decided to let her husband went to buy food on his own.

when her husband came back, she was becoming more and more devastated to see that her husband only bought one (not very big) food..roti john..sahaja! (and her expression while telling the story potrayed how she was so frustrated because she was famished!!!)

so her husband made her eat at least to ease her suffering (from a terrible starvation..hehe)..after she ate some and performed maghrib prayer, both of them came to their senses and laugh to their own sillyness.

She said, it was a ruined first fasting day as a wife for her. But for me, it was perfect. Now she has a perfect story to tell to her children as it turned out to be so memorable!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

doktor oh doktor..!!!

semalam saya pergi hospital. hospital angkatan tentera tuanku mizan. saya kena jumpa doktor. maka saya pun pergi. servis hospital tu bagus. sekejap je kena tunggu.

masa saya masuk je bilik 1 nak jumpa doktor, tiba2 saya perasan yang doktor tu adalah doktor yang sama! doktor yang sama yang bertugas sewaktu medical check up (untuk paksa kami join askar wataniah).
doktor itu yang telah "mendengar" bebelan saya sewaktu saya cuba untuk melepaskan diri daripada terpaksa masuk askar wataniah!!

maka saya pun berharap dia tidak ingat saya. tapi tiba2 dia nampak saya dan cakap "hey, i know u!..yess..yess..i know u!! u were that legal officer"
maka saya berkata "yess,.,.correct..i know u too..u were that doctor!!"
tapi hati saya berkata "DAMN..dia ingat pulak!!!" hahaha..

Saturday, July 31, 2010

kisah kasut.

Ini kasut kesukaan saya.

Ia telah mula koyak, rosak dan buruk.

Walaubagaimanapun, ia masih boleh dipakai.

Semalam saya dan wan pergi ke Jusco Kepong. Wan kasihan dengan rupa kasut saya tersebut, maka dia telah menggantikan dengan yang baru.

Hehehe..wan macam tau-tau aje.Yey!
Terima kasih wan kerana membelikan saya kasut baru!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

wedding blogs

i can't deny that bloggers do give some information that i really need through their
the other day i was surfing the internet searching for wedding blogs..but i only found 4 or 5 blogs that actually made sense to me.. is not enough..i need to know more..!

i know that there are a lot of people so desperate to find out about weddings (especially in term of planning) so i, myself, want to have a wedding blog soon..when the time comes..when i am in the midst of surveying for prices of things..i want to help..:-)

but right now i need help. :-(

Monday, July 26, 2010

credit card debts ~ an attempt to reduce

i thought i could control myself. it turned out that i couldn't.
i should stop using because it is too addictive..worse than drugs and cigarettes (i think)
but, can one resist such temptation?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

hari kami pergi memancing.

Pada suatu hari, kami bercadang untuk pergi memancing. Setelah sampai ke sebuah tasik, kami mencari tempat yang banyak ikan dan sesuai untuk dijadikan port.

Dalam masa 15 minit kami memancing, kami dapat seekor ikan sepat yang kecil.
Sejam setengah kemudian kami dapat ikan yang kedua, diikuti ikan ketiga dan ikan keempat selang beberapa minit kemudian. Semuanya ikan sepat yang kecil dan comel.

Agak ngeri apabila melihat wan cuba untuk melepaskan ikan tersebut daripada mata kail yang telah mencangkuk pipi ikan tersebut sampai tembus. :-((

Ada juga penonton yang kelihatan berminat dengan ikan-ikan kami. (^_^)

Kami berada di tasik sehingga menjelang senja.

Ikan-ikan dibawa pulang ke rumah saya dan dilepaskan masuk ke dalam kolam.
